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Now Available

  • Dog Cookies.  Human Grade, safe for pups, delicious!

  • Dog Ice Cream-Frozen Yummy, Human Grade safe for pups

  • See New Weekly Special for $7.50


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Delicious, Organic, and Healthy made fresh for you

Preparing Guacamole

Welcome to My Site!

What We Believe In

My Personal Touch

I am committed to providing fresh, organic, and healthy meals to Northern Colorado. My menu is carefully crafted to cater to different tastes, and dietary restrictions.

Our Dedicated Team

Right now I am a team of one.  But since team doesn't have an I in it, and with how quickly things are growing, I am planning on bringing on one additional member, and hope to grow even more!

Unmatched Quality

I use all fresh and organic ingredients.  I attend farmers markets, and buy any ingredients I can from local businesses, to help support our local community.

At home with me, this is my kitchen
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